Kissing Frogs
I made a client laugh recently when I told her she was probably going to have to kiss some frogs so she might as well do it with purpose and get as much learning out of the experience as possible!
You know the old saying – “you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince”. Well its true in business too.
You will have to do business with some complete idiots before you find your dream clients! Some people will treat you badly. Some will fail to pay you. Some will just be totally disorganised and not have a clue what they’re doing. Some will have business ethics that make sewers smell fragrant! Unpleasant as they are, they are all learning opportunities!
And not everything we have to do to achieve our dreams is going to be pleasant. Sometimes we have to do stuff we don’t want to do in order to get the results we want. Lets face it, who really wants to get up at 5am to go to the gym, or to a networking meeting?
But while we may not want to do the thing – we want the results of the thing more. We are doing the thing with purpose!
And when you do things that other people are not prepared to do, you will get results that other people can only dream of! And that IS worth it!
Have you kissed any frogs recently?