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thoughts & notes

Let Your Goals Out To Play
There is a theory that when you have set yourself some powerful and challenging goals you should keep them to yourself or at least only...

Weekends With Intention
Its the weekend so its time for some serious concentrated relaxation.Yes, I know that sounds like a contradiction in terms but what if...

Like It Or Not....
Oops, I seem to have upset a few people with my post the other day on winners and losers! I'm guessing the people I upset most were the...

Goals Into Action
One of the things I see time and time again is that people do not distinguish between goals and action plans. The thing is, not doing so...

Why Gurus Suck
OK, maybe I’m being a bit mean here. Some of them are good friends of mine and I have, on many occasions, flown half way round the world...

Winners Work Hard
OK I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear! We all want to believe that winners get there because they are lucky or naturally...

Visionary Teamwork
If you want to create a successful results driven team one of the most useful things you can do is to encourage the leaders of the team...

The Origin Of Cats and Dogs
I found this lovely story today and it made me laugh. I hope it makes you laugh too! It is reported that the following edition of the...

Constructive Laziness
A friend asked me recently how I could justify lazing around in bed as a constructive use of time. The thing is its all about pace. You...

You Don't Need Fixing!
I was listening to a webinar this morning and something in it made me really mad. The so-called expert kept going on about how her...
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